Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art - 7 SET — 15 DEZ 2024

CONTEXTILE 2024: Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art redefines borders in fabrics



A CONTEXTILE 2024 is the Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art, a renowned cultural event celebrating creativity and innovation in the field of textile arts. Held bi-annually, this biennial proposes a reflection on the Toque, considering it as the first of all senses capable of repositioning us in the face of the world, from a less focused perspective.

The event brings together artists from all over the world, presenting works that explore the boundaries between art and textile design. With a focus on traditional and contemporary techniques, the event offers a platform for artistic expression through textile materials, promoting dialogues about sustainability, cultural identity and technological innovation.

Contextile – Banner Geral 06

The biennale includes exhibitions, workshops, and conferences, providing an immersive experience that attracts both industry professionals and art enthusiasts. It is a space where tradition meets the avant-garde, highlighting the relevance of textile arts in the global artistic scene.

In this 7th edition, o Program it will be eclectic again, presenting a variety of activities and events with an international dimension, with textile as a central element for reflection, research and artistic creation.

After six editions and a decade of activity, several aspects were adjusted for editing 2024. The biennial now has a time scale of 100 days, partnerships with other textile cultural territories were reinforced, and work with the community was intensified through artistic residencies.

If you're nearby, Don't miss this interesting Event and see everything that happens in this Brochure!

Guimarães Braga PT
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