Commitment with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Commitment and unity in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals


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In a world where Systemic Sustainability is between sociology, ecology and economy is essential for the preservation of our planet, commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the UN becomes imperative. In Portugal it does good, we pride ourselves on taking a proactive approach towards a more sustainable and, that's why, we reiterate our commitment to the 17 SDGs established by the United Nations (HIM).

Why we commit?

Commitment to the SDGs reflects our conviction that individual and corporate actions have the power to create a significant impact on the world. Sustainability is not just a responsibility, but an opportunity to shape a more equitable future, healthy and prosperous for all.

As we embrace the SDGs, we recognize the interconnection between the social dimensions, environmental and economic sustainable development. This commitment guides our practices and decisions, inspiring us to contribute to a fairer and more resilient world.

Em 2022, Portugal was recognized as one of the most sustainable countries in the world in the UN report on sustainable development, conducted by independent scientists. However, em 2023, the news that Portugal only fulfilled one SDG highlights the need to improve in areas that make up industry, the most sustainable cities and sustainable production and consumption, as indicated by the Court of Auditors. Taking this context into account, We decided to make detailed information available about each entity we mapped, be a brand, Factory, Store or other, highlighting the SDGs that they actively incorporate into their day-to-day business. This initiative aims to serve as a source of inspiration and influence, to improve sustainable practices and achieve more ambitious goals.

A Call to Brands, Factories, Stores, Visiting Places and Portuguese Events

Because we believe that Sustainability is a fundamental pillar for a prosperous and equitable future for which we are all responsible, By highlighting the specific SDGs associated with each entity, we aim to create awareness about practices that contribute to a positive impact in social areas, environmental and economic and thus contribute to a collective movement, inspiring and trustworthy, towards a more sustainable world.

To offer greater visibility to the quality of Portuguese production, to innovation and products with good stories about know-how, we invite all Brands, Factories, Stores, Industrial Tourist Visit Sites and Events associated with the theme, to join us in this transformative commitment. Everyone for themselves has the power to catalyze positive change, and it's time to activate and publicize the SDGs in business.

According to the report, Portugal materializes us ODS 4, 5, 9, 10, 13 and 14 its strategic priorities in implementing the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. This commitment to Sustainable Development Goals, for part two 193 countries, has the ambition “Leave no one behind” and are designed around 5 Principles: people, planet, prosperity, partnerships and peace.

Os objectives and HIM revolve around promoting peace between nations, in addition to deliberating on issues concerning security, international diplomacy and cooperation, acting in peace negotiation processes, or in mitigating the effects of armed conflicts, anywhere in the world.

How to Participate in this Pledge?

In the registration of Accession to Portugal is good, you are asked to choose 3 to 6 of the 17 SDGs that resonate with the listed mission and activity. Be the eradication of poverty, promoting gender equality, climate action or responsible consumption, each choice is associated by image with the business listing, in order to demonstrate to users their strong commitment to the planet and the Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Communicate the Commitment: Publicly share the SDGs you chose to activate as a priority, and explain how you plan to integrate them into your operations.
  2. Implement Sustainable Practices: Adopt concrete measures aligned with the chosen SDGs. This may include environmentally conscious practices, social programs or inclusion initiatives.
  3. Inspire and Educate: Share your experiences and learnings to inspire others to follow suit. Education plays a crucial role in building more sustainable communities.

Together Towards a Sustainable Future

By joining forces and acting in support of the SDGs, We can make significant progress in creating a sustainable future for all. Let's build a more resilient Portugal, equitable and environmentally conscious.

Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) of the UN is the first step. Action is the catalyst for change. Together, we make a difference. Let us unite towards a Portugal that is good for everyone, and for the planet.


See too Explore some of the best Portuguese Brands and local Partners and Friends.