Good Harvest

A Sustainable Design Publisher for the Home

A Boa Safra é uma marca portuguesa editora de Design Sustentável para a Casa

A Boa Safra cria produtos com simplicidade estética, design atemporal e materiais naturais.


Sofa Rest Work and Play 1

A Boa Safra que nasce na quarta geração de marceneiros trabalha a madeira maciça como poucos, and with two very clear objectives: to achieve the perfect marriage between the knowledge of artisans and the creativity of new generations of designers, and to edit furniture based on strong sustainability principles.

With the motto “For the good and true. Pela qualidade e pela verdade” a esta marca portuguesa afirma-se como uma editora de design sustentável para a Casa, which offers pieces by Portuguese designers, fabricadas localmente com tempo e dedicação, a marca produz mobiliário para casa e hotelaria, custom furniture and interior decoration pieces.

Saiba mais sobre a Boa Safra no Article do Blog Best Portugal Brands.


In the registration of Accession to Portugal is good, you are asked to choose 3 a 6 of the 17 SDGs that resonate with the listed mission and activity.

Find out more about this feature in this Article do Best Portugal Brands.


Specialty Design de Interiores e Mobiliário

Raw materials used Madeira, natural fibers

FinishesCeras Ecológicas

Products mobiliário interior e acessórios

Number of employees – 8

Countries of internationalization - Spain

Mercado – B2B, B2C

Sanhoane Street 729
Pedroso 4430-344 Porto PT
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